table test
Deluxe adjustable headrest . . . This amazing value fits a variety of tables.
This quality headrest is included with every BodyWorks massage table. Our fully adjustable headrest offers easy single cam-lever operation, and features both tilt and elevation adjustments for added versatility and comfort. The heavy-duty aluminum frame has 8" on center spacing and fits a variety of tables, including: BodyWorks®, EarthLite®, Essence/EarthGear®, OakWorks®, and others. The headrest cushion features 3" comfort contoured foam, and premium quality vinyl. Deluxe Headrest components are available separately (as below), and offer a one year warranty. Available in all of BodyWorks' unique, richly elegant colors.

Offered as . . .

Deluxe Headrest: $49
(Includes platform and cushion)

Headrest Cushion: $20
(Crescent cushion only)

Headrest Platform: $39
(8" headrest platform only)